ONE Insurance App
Making the experience of having an insurance as simple as possible.
ONE is reinventing the way insurance works
App to create claims, modify contract and edit your personal information. Available for IOS, Android and Web App.
Insurance holders
Big scope of german users
Need to convey safety and ease of use
General info
User research
ONE insurance was a company based on Berlin that provided services for a very broad spectrum of users, some of them where very tech-savy and others where very old-school. This was quite a challenge because much of the insurance business on germany is very focused on a very old way of working, with printed contracts and in-person interactions.
Main improvements
- Improve color font contrast to help Walter
- Native components for each platform to improve user experience for each device
- Align messages to be more straight-forward
- Create illustrations
Responsive website build in Angular with customizable components
Native components for IOS devices, such as date-pickers and toggle buttons
Native components for Android devices, such as header position, date-pickers and toggle buttons
- The second version of ONE was deployed successfully in multiple countries, including non-german speaking ones as Poland
Opportunities & recommendations
- The project was closed due to a pivoting decision, but the team was pointing to improve a lot in the area of risk prevention using telemetry data with users